Monday, March 24, 2008

Children's Book Blog-Hop..

Welcome to blog-hop number 1! I am forever in search of extraordinary children's books for my little ones. While on a trip to Texas I made a trip to Half-Price Books & found two new favorites for our collection.

The first is one in series of three by Leslie Patricelli called Quiet Loud. We were happy to add to Big Little & hope to soon buy Yummy Yucky. The books are incredibly simple & Flynn loves "reading" them to us. The book is illustrated with pictures taken of paintings which gives it a very warm touch. You can preview the books on her site.

The second is a remake of a Golden Book classic called The Telephone Book. I originally bought it to have for Sobe but Flynn saw it & fell in love. On page one it asks the child to answer a little black telephone & then proceeds to give them instruction on how to look after their friends little brother. You then go through the pages & move parts on the pages to do so. So simple, sweet & just the right amount of interactive. I suggest buying several of this book to give for gifts. I use it as a book to pull out at bedtime as a special treat.

I am really interested in knowing about your favorite children's books. Please leave a post about it on your own blog & the link to it in the comment section here. You may want to title your link the title of the book(s) you are reviewing.

For more help on blog-hopping, click here.


brooklyn said...

i love children's books, but i have a hard time choosing what to feature because my kids and i have very different tastes. if seems that the books that i fall in love with are met with a "meh" at best and the books they love are soul-less.

i doesn't seem like it should be this hard...but i am dealing with toddlers here.

megan said...

I did it and it was fun. I hope I'm not missing anything though!

Stephanie said...

i don't think it will work on mine cause my blog is private, but i did it anyway! great idea!